Blog Archive

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

Here at the seminary we were incredibly blessed.  As parts of the coast were destroyed, we mostly sat safely in our old, stone buildings, waiting for the wind to die down and our power to come back on.  In this area, life post-Sandy was primarily a lesson in managing inconvenience.  We all learned how reliant we were on our technological devices.  We remembered how cold it gets at night.  We remember how you shouldn't leave candles unattended.

But for many, this isn't the story.  Instead, homes are still evacuated.  Lives are still in shambles.  People are still crammed into shelters for food and heat.  We must still pray and stay connected to those who are adrift and isolated.

I encourage you to support the relief efforts by donating to HomeFront NJ.  To do so, and learn more about the clean up efforts seminarians are involved in you can visit:

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